Driver Magician 4.9 Free Download
Driver Magician is a comprehensive application for Windows Operating system which is intended for device drive backup, restoration, update and removal. It has the functionality identify all the hardware installed in the system.
If you have formatted your HD, most probably you have lost your device drivers and you have had to search for then over internet.
Now, and thanks to Driver Magician you have the opportunity to backup the drivers you have installed, so you will not need to search for them if you format your HD. It’s simple you will have all of them in just one CD.
When you run Driver Magician it shows you all the drivers you have installed in your computer and you will only need to choose the ones which you want to backup.
Driver Magician allows you to choose the drive where you want to store the drivers. The time it takes to backup the drivers depends on the drivers you want to store, so it can take from 2 minutes to a longer time.
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